Friday, June 5, 2009

The Brothers Bloom in review

After waiting for what seems like at least a year, I finally saw The Brothers Bloom today. It was just as delightful as I expected it to be, sharp, witty, and engaging. Adrien Brody, Mark Ruffalo, and Rachel Weisz were all wonderfully magnetic in the lead roles, while Rinko Kinkuchi provided much of the comic relief without speaking a word. I loved the sense of humor, which was well-established within the first few minutes. The Brothers Bloom may possibly have one of my favorite opening scenes ever.

I saw a lot of Wes Anderson in the aesthetic, which I obviously loved. It was particularly noticeable in the way that the film seemed to be set in its own world to the extent that references to cell phones and other modern conveniences were a bit of a shock. The wardrobe was pretty much fantastic and I want all of it. The pacing was a bit weird at times, with the blend of action and comedy, but you can't have it all.

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